Regarding the partial revoke of the scope of ISO9001 certification

Our company and our parent company, IHI Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "IHI"), due to the disclosure of inappropriate action related to the test records of marine and land use engines we manufacture (announced on April 24) , we have received a special audit from Bureau Veritas Japan Co., Ltd., an ISO9001※1 certification body. As a result, we have received a notification on August 9, 2024, that they have been partially revoked the ISO9001 certification on the scope of our company. We would like to inform you as follows.

We apologize once again for the great inconvenience we have caused to our customers and all related parties. Our company and IHI will do our utmost to regain the certification scope.
※1 International Standard for Quality Management System

1. Revoked scope of ISO9001: The certification of the scope related to the manufacture of reciprocating internal combustion engines under the jurisdiction of the Niigata Engine Plant and the Ota Plant.

2. Certification Standard: ISO9001:2015

3. Certification Number: 4722223-4719508

4. Decision Date: August 2, 2024


 Notice from IHI Corporation

【Customer Inquiry Contact】
 IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd.
  General Affairs and Human Resources Department, Administration Division
  Phone: 03-4366-1203