Progress on the Disclosure of Misconduct

Our company and our parent company, IHI Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "IHI") hereby announces with regard to an incident of misconduct in test operation records for marine engines and land-use engines (hereafter the “Matter”) at our company announced on April 24, 2024, and June 4, 2024, that it has completed the confirmation of the facts in this incident and submitted the Investigation Report to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on August 21, 2024.

Regarding the Matter, a special investigation committee comprised of outside experts is conducting an independent investigation. The committee will continue to investigate the causes of the Matter and provide recommendations on the necessary recurrence prevention measures by September. We will take fundamental recurrence prevention measures based on the recommendations of this committee.

We would like to express its deepest apologies once again for the extreme inconvenience and concern caused by this misconduct to all of its stakeholders, including its customers and related institutions.


  Press release from IHI Corporation

【Customer Inquiry Contact】
 IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd. 
  General Affairs and Human Resources Department, Administration Division
  Phone: 03-4366-1203