Notice Regarding the Disciplinary Actions for Officers related to Misconducts at Our Company

Our company and our parent company, IHI Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "IHI"), hereby announce that regarding the misconduct in test operation records for marine engines and land-use engines at our company, which was disclosed on April 24, 2024. Our officers related to the misconduct will return their remuneration,
The details of the remuneration return for our officers are as follows:

Title Name Remuneration Return
President Takashi MURASUMI 10% of monthly remuneration for 2 months
Director Osamu NAKAMURA 10% of monthly remuneration for 1 month
Director Yuichi TAMURA 10% of monthly remuneration for 1 month
Masao AKAMATSU, the former President, will return 10% of his monthly remuneration for one month.

Additionally, the partial reduction of IHI officers’ remuneration has been disclosed on IHI's external website, which you are kindly requested to refer to.


  Press release from IHI Corporation

【Customer Inquiry Contact】
 IHI Power Systems Co., Ltd. 
  General Affairs and Human Resources Department, Administration Division
  Phone: 03-4366-1203