Niigata to Present a Paper about LNG Dual Fuel Engine at Tugnology '17
Niigata Power Systems presents a paper about LNG dual fuel engine
at Tugnology '17 in Rotterdam, Netherlands from May 23 to 24, 2017.
Tugnology is an international maritime conference dedicated to
tugboats, and is held in European cities biennially since 2007. A
lot of engineers attend from ship owners, classification societies,
design companies, shipbuilders, and marine equipment manufacturers
in the world.
They present papers and exchange their opinions about the latest
technology regarding tugboats.
Niigata actively works on technical development to realize low
emission. We developed and released
the World’s first FPP directly couplable marine gas engine complying
with IMO NOx Tier III independently.
Our engineer presents a paper
“A World-first Configuration - a Dual Fuel Engine Direct Coupled
with a FPP Z-Peller on a Harbour Tug” about technical development of
this new marine medium speed LNG dual fuel engine 28AHX-DF, and
operation achievement of a tugboat equipped with 28AHX-DF.
This conference has tabletop exhibition area, and Niigata runs a
tabletop display.
the website of Tugnology '17 about details and the latest