Niigata has acquired IMO NOx Tier III EIAPP certificate.

Niigata Power Systems Co., Ltd (hereinafter “Niigata”) has acquired IMO NOx Tier III EIAPP certificate(*) for the diesel engines combined with SCR (Selective Catalyst Reduction) system on September 27, 2017 by ClassNK. It is the first certificate for main engine in Japanese marine engine manufacture.

Certificate object
Engine type 6M34BFT (with SCR system)
Engine rated power 1,471 kW
Engine rated speed 290 min-1
Test cycles E2(**)
Test procedures Scheme A(***)

This SCR system was shipped to the shipyard in July, 2017 and went into service in January, 2018.

Niigata has worked on SCR system technology for a long time and has many results of SCR system for the land generation plants.
In addition, Niigata has carried out the verification tests of SCR system by 2 ships.
And another ship which has been combined with SCR system since 1995 is now in operation.
Niigata has developed SCR system satisfied with IMO NOx Tier III requirements utilizing these technical results.
Niigata will contribute to reduction of environmental loading through sale of SCR system.

The whole view of SCR

EIAPP certificate

(*) 「EIAPP certificate」Engine International Air Pollution Prevention certificate Issued certificate under the provisions of the Protocol of 1997, as amended by resolution MEPC.176 (58) in 2008, to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto under the authority of the Administration.

(**) 「E2」 Test cycle of NOx certification survey for an engine connected to a controllable pitch propeller.

(***) 「scheme A」Test procedure of NOx certification survey operating engines combined with SCR system.
