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Centrifugal compressor (Engineered air and process gas)


We are always ready to be accommodate to customer needs. For the more details of compressors or model selection, please contact us.

Offers 3 different types according to models.

Centrifugal compressor (Engineered air and process gas)

[Package type] f25,f30,f36,f44

Centrifugal compressor (Engineered air and process gas)

[Semi-package type] f53,f64

Centrifugal compressor (Engineered air and process gas)

[Non-Package type] f78,f95,f115

Air, Recycle Air and Nitrogen Compressor

Air, Recycle Air and Nitrogen Compressor

Oxygen compressor

Oxygen compressor

Hydrocarbon compressor(case for Methane gas)

Hydrocarbon compressor