Paul Wurth IHI Co., Ltd.

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Selected for Energy-Saving Investment Promotion & Energy Demand Structure Transformation Support Project (2nd round of Subsidy Program)

We are pleased to announce that in addition to our five products in the field of electric steelmaking which have been already selected as subsidized equipment under the FY2022 supplementary budget for the first round of the subsidy program for “Energy-Saving Investment Promotion & Demand Structure Transformation Support Project”, an additional two products have been selected for the second round of the program.

This subsidy program is for advanced equipment, etc. offering leading technology and energy-saving performance, which were selected based on the screening items determined by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. Please take advantage of this subsidy program to subsidize the capital investment on energy saving projects within your organization.

【Subsidized by】 Sustainable open Innovation Initiative (SII)

【Subsidy name】 Energy-Saving Investment Promotion & Demand Structure Transformation Support Project

【Business category】 (A) Advanced Facilities and Systems

【Subsidized equipment】 7 products (5 products selected in the first round and 2 products selected in the second round)

New aluminum electrode supporting device Mark 2 (Added in the second round)
Low energy tuyere stocks for blast furnaces (Added in the second round)
CONDOOR® (Automatic slag door)
X-Pact® AURA (Rectifier for DC EAF furnace)
SIS plus burner/injector (Combination of burner and oxygen injector)
X-Pact® Sampler (Automatic temperature sampling robot)
X-Pact® SynReg (Electrode regulation system)

Click here for more information:

- Our electric steelmaking technologies:

- Sustainable open Innovation Initiative (SII):

- Overview of the subsidy program:

- Selection results of advanced facilities & systems: