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Press Release
Industrial Systems & General-purpose


 IHI hereby announces the following resulting from the execution in Germany of an agreement concerning the acquisition of all outstanding shares of Hauzer Techno Coating B.V. ("Hauzer") as of February 12, 2008 (German time).

1.Purpose of Acquisition

IHI is a general engineering enterprise that develops and manufactures key components and is making efforts to transform itself into a high margin company by concentrating its resources on profitable businesses. As part of such efforts, IHI has decided to acquire Hauzer, which is a major global player in membrane surface processing technology. IHI anticipates that demand for Hauzer's products will increase by entering new business areas including automobile parts, amongst others, as well as globally, in order to expand and enhance IHI's industrial furnaces related business (vacuum heat treating furnaces, new material furnaces and gas carburizing furnaces), which is one of the businesses IHI is strengthening.

Hauzer is a company with international cutting-age technology specialized in PVD systems(*) for the worldwide market and since its establishment 25 years ago, has been highly recognized as a market leader in the global coating industry.

As IHI's subsidiary, it is also expected that Hauzer may expand and develop its businesses further by synergy effects with IHI's existing businesses and sales networks.

(*) PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) systems are equipment to coat products with a metal and ceramic layer for wear resistance, low friction and decoration, and are used for a wide range of industries including industrial cutting tools and automobile parts.

2.Outline of Subsidiary to be Transferred (Hauzer Techno Coating B.V.)

(1) Name   Hauzer Techno Coating B.V.
(2) Representative   Dr. Thomas Krug
(3) Location   Venlo, The Netherlands
(4) Date of Establishment   September 6, 1983
(5) Scope of Business   Manufacture and sales of PVD and PACVD (plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition) systems
(6) Fiscal year   Calendar year
(7) Number of Employees   Approximately 130 (consolidated)
(8) Place of Business   The Netherlands (Venlo), China (Shanghai)
(9) Capital Amount   EUR 18,000
(10) Number of Issued Shares   40
(11) Major Shareholder(s) and Shareholding Ratio thereof : NACHTWACHE Furnaces GmbH, 100%
(12) Trend in Business Results in Recent Fiscal Years
  Fiscal year ending 12/31/06 Fiscal year ending 12/31/07
Consolidated Sales EUR 30 million EUR 27 million
Consolidated Gross Assets EUR 23 million EUR 18 million

(13) Subsidiaries

Name Location Shareholding Ratio of Hauzer (%)
Hauzer Techno Coating Engineering B.V. Venlo, The Netherlands 100
Hauzer Techno Coating Production B.V. Venlo, The Netherlands 100
Hauzer Beschichtungen GmbH Kleve, Germany 100
HVM Plasma spol sro Plague, Czech 45

3.Acquiree of Shares

(1) Name   NACHTWACHE Furnaces GmbH
(2) Representative   Dr. Hendrik Grobler, Peter Fleischmann
(3) Location of Principal Office   Essen, Germany
(4) Scope of Business   Investment in and management of industrial furnaces operating companies
(5) Relationship with IHI   No relationship in personnel or capital

4.Number of Acquired Shares, Price of Acquired Shares and Status of Owned Shares before and after the Acquisition

(1) Number of Owned Shares before Acquisition - (shareholding ratio: -) (number of voting rights: -)
(2) Number of Acquired Shares 40   (number of voting rights: 40)
(3) Number of Owned Shares after Acquisition 40 (shareholding ratio: 100%) (number of voting rights: 40)

5.Time Schedule

February 12, 2008   Board resolution
End of March, 2008   Closing (planned)

6.Business Forecast

IHI's consolidated or individual business result as of the fiscal year ending March 2008 will not be affected by this transaction.

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