IHI INC. set up a new office at Houston, USA
IHI INC. (President : Mr. Hiroshi Iwamoto, Head office : NY, USA), the Americas regional headquarter of IHI, set up a new business office at Houston, TX, USA, on Jan. 1, 2010, in order to expand business capacity including information gathering, and accelerates global business activity.
Having an office in Houston where are many offices of world class engineering companies and oil majors, IHI build out an information network to keep up on global projects associated with oil and gas, with Asia chief regional officer at Singapore and currently-projected Europe chief regional officer.
IHI will drum up business in Energy and Resources area, which is one of the IHI Group Business Areas shown in IHI Group Management Policies 2010.
Outline of the new office
1. Office Name : IHI INC. Houston Office
2. Location : 2500 Citywest Blvd., Suite 300, Houston, TX 77042
3. Telephone No. : 1-713-267-2397
4. Chief of Office : Keiichi Ishikane (IHI INC. Senior Vice President)
5. e-mail address : keiichi_ishikane@ihiinc.ihi.co.jp
6. Date of Set up : January 1, 2010
7. Main Activity : Gathering information and business operation on oil and gas companies and others
Outline of IHI INC.
1. Company Name : IHI INC.
2. Head Office : 150 East 52nd Street, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10022
3. President & CEO : Hiroshi Iwamoto (Executive Officer of IHI Corporation)
4. Year of Establishment : April, 1977
5. Shareholder : IHI Corporation (100%)
6. Business : Sales of various plants, equipments, maintenance of Aero-engines
7. Sales Amount : 170 million $ (as of December 2008)