IHI will hold a Forum to introduce its technology in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil“2nd Ishikawajima Technology Forum”
IHI will hold the “2nd Ishikawajima Technology Forum” on February 28th 2013 together with FIRJAN(Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro) which is the 2nd largest industry federation in Brazil with members of 9,805 companies in Rio de Janeiro, to introduce its technology to the Brazilian companies and research institute.
The Ishikawajima Technology Forum started in 2011, having its aim to introduce Japanese technologies to make opportunities of joint development of products and technologies with Brazilian companies using the network made through the Ishibras (from 1959 to 1994). The 1st Ishikawajima Technology Forum was held in October 2011 in order to symbolize the re-start of IHI in Brazil and introduced a wide range of IHI’s technologies.
The 2nd Ishikawajima Technology Forum will have a key note lecture of Dr. Yasuhiro Kato about the “Deep-sea mud in the Pacific Ocean as a new mineral resource for rare-earth elements”, and also some presentations and panels of IHI Technology.
<Event Details>
Date & Time:February 28th 2013 9:30~17:00
Place : Sistema FIRJAN in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Add.: Av. Graça Aranha, nº1, 4º andar)