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Press Release

Reorganization of RHQ in the Americas.

  As of the 1st of October 2019, IHI Corporation (located in Tokyo, represented by Tsugio Mitsuoka, President & CEO, hereinafter referred to as "IHI") reorganized the capital of its affiliated companies in the U.S.A and changed the Regional Headquarters (RHQ) via a transfer of shares (hereinafter referred to as “the Reorganization") as follows.

  1. Overview of the Reorganization

    Shares of affiliate companies in the Americas (hereinafter referred to as "within the RHQ’s supervision area") owned by IHI and its wholly owned subsidiary, IHI INC. (location: NY, the U.S.A; President: Yoshio Yonezawa) will be gradually transferred to IHI Americas Inc. (located in New York, NY, represented by Yoshio Yonezawa, CEO, hereinafter referred to as "IAI") with IAI replacing IHI INC. as the new RHQ within the RHQ’s supervision area.

  2. Purpose & Reason for Reorganization

    Functions of RHQs have been reviewed in order to respond more flexibly to rapid changes in the business environment and to appropriately respond to changing social demands. Capital of affiliated companies in the RHQ’s supervision area have been consolidated into IAI with the aim of improving the governance functions within the RHQ’s supervision area.

  3. Changes of management structure

    Functions such as risk management, internal audit, cash management system, shared service etc. will be concentrated in IAI to strengthen its headquarter functions.

Status of RHQ in the U.S.A as of October 1st,2019

Firm name :  IHI Americas Inc. [Abbreviation:IAI]
Address  150 East 52nd Street, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10022 U.S.A
(plans to relocate by the end of the year. New address is as it follows.
1251 Avenue of the Americas, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10020 U.S.A.)
Foundation date April 1st 2019
Name and title of
Yoshio Yonezawa, CEO 
Business Risk management and Compliance within the RHQ’s supervision area
Consulting service providing system within the RHQ’s supervision area
Shared service providing system within the RHQ’s supervision area
Other business promoting services
Capital 2,000,003 USD
Shareholder IHI 100% 
Closing Period March 31st

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