Level Crossing Obstacle Detection System Obtains Type Approval in Germany
IHI Corporation to start the sale of the first 3D laser level crossing obstacle detection system in Germany
IHI Corporation (IHI) has obtained the type approval from the German Federal Railways Authority (EBA) for its 3D laser level crossing obstacle detection system (3DLR)*1 and will now commence its commercial activity.
IHI began the product certification process in 2016 and obtained the German type approval after completing assessments in Germany. It is the first level crossing obstacle detection system using a 3D laser technology to obtain the approval from EBA. With this approval, IHI's 3DLR can be introduced at full barrier level crossings*2 in Germany.
In Germany, there are increased investments in digital interlocking and automated level crossing monitoring. In September 2022, prior to obtaining this type approval, IHI signed a collaboration agreement with the infrastructure services company DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH (DB BBG)*3. The agreement included the planning & installation, commissioning, and after-sales of 3DLR in Germany. IHI will expand 3DLR sales in cooperation with DB BBG.
Conceptual image of 3DLR installation at a level crossing
*1 3D laser level crossing obstacle detection system (3DLR)
A system that can monitor level-crossing in three dimensions in real time. 3DLR can detect a wider area with increased flexibility and identify smaller objects.
IHI delivered the first unit to East Japan Railway Company in 2005 and sold it to another 30 companies in Japan. Since then, the company has sold about 3,000 units in Japan and overseas, including Italy in 2015.
For further details, please refer to the following website:
3D Laser Radar | IHI
*2 Full barrier level crossing
A level crossing with barriers blocking entry on either side. In Germany, level-crossings are required to be monitored by an obstacle detection device or inspected visually.
*3 DB Bahnbau Gruppe GmbH (Am Studio 1A, 12489 Berlin, Representatives: Markus Egerer, Karl Markus Faller, Dr Doris Radatz)
runs construction and maintenance work as a full-service provider for rail infrastructure. In addition, the Deutsche Bahn subsidiary also focusses on recycling and alternative energy systems. With approximately 3,500 employees and 400 maintenance vehicles,
the company is expanding its operations in Germany as a servicing company, partner, and consultant.