IHI and JERA Complete Fuel Ammonia Substitution Demonstration Testing at Hekinan Thermal Power Station
IHI Corporation (“IHI”) today announces the completion of pioneering fuel ammonia substitution demonstration testing at Unit 4 of the Hekinan Thermal Power Station of JERA Co., Inc (“JERA”).
IHI and JERA are collaborating on a project that the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (“NEDO”) has subsidized. The name of that initiative is the Development of Technologies for Carbon Recycling and Next-Generation Thermal Power Generation / R&D and Demonstration Project for Ammonia Co-Firing Thermal Power Generation Technology. IHI and JERA conducted the world’s first large-volume ammonia substitution demonstration testing (representing 20% of heating value) at a large scale commercial coal-fired facility.
In this demonstration test, 20% substitution of fuel ammonia for operation of rated output of one-gigawatt has been achieved successfully on April 10, 2024).This effort yielded favorable environmental outcomes. It is confirmed that carbon dioxide emissions at the unit fell around 20%, nitrogen oxide(NOx) emissions were equal to or less than when mono-firing coal before ammonia substitution, and sulfur oxide(SOx) emissions were down about 20%. Emissions of the potential greenhouse gas nitrous oxide(N2O) were undetectable. IHI and JERA also confirmed that operability was equivalent to that before the conversion to fuel ammonia .
IHI will apply the knowledges gained through the demonstration test to establish a combustion technology that increases the ammonia ratio to more than 50% at thermal power plants and develop burners for 100% ammonia combustion. IHI will leverage its advanced clean fuel substitution technologies to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions and tailor solutions for communities and customers in driving to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Related press release
April 1, 2024 – Start of Demonstration Testing of Fuel Ammonia Substitution at JERA’s Hekinan Thermal Power Station: The World’s First Demonstration Testing of 20% Ammonia Substitution at a Large-Scale Commercial Coal-Fired Thermal Power Plant