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Corporate Citizenship

IHI Yokohama Works Helps Restore Eelgrass Beds

On May 20, the IHI Yokohama Works teamed up with sites of several neighboring companies in Negishi Bay to take part in an initiative of a nonprofit organization dedicated to reviving Amamo eelgrass in Tokyo Bay’s Kanazawa-Hakkei area, beloved over hundreds of years for its eight scenic spots.
The participants included employees from IHI and other entities.

Eelgrass proliferates from underground stems in shallow seafloor areas. It shelters small fish, contributing to biodiversity and helping fixate carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.

Eelgrass is vital to the ecosystem.

Eelgrass bed restoration entails collecting and growing eelgrass seeds and planting seedlings. It takes about six months for eelgrass to grow. Every spring, flowering branches are collected to bloom and bear seeds of wild eelgrass in Yokohama Marine Park. Seeds from the branches mature slowly until fall and grow large enough for planting.

Flowering eelgrass branch with seeds

The IHI Group will keep helping to conserve biodiversity through initiatives to protect the environment in cooperation with local communities and companies.

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