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Corporate Citizenship

IHI Group Helps to Restore Irrigation Canal Ecosystems in Shiga Prefecture

The IHI Group is helping to restore the ecosystems of irrigation canals connected to the Echi River basin in the city of Higashi-omi, Shiga Prefecture. This effort contributes to the Ministry of the Environment’s Collaborative Nature Restoration program to enhance habitats for the Biwa trout, which is native to Lake Biwa, and ayu sweetfish.

Fish numbers in the river have declined in recent years owing to flow disruptions from falling water levels. The irrigation canals provide refuge for fish during these periods. IHI aims to make the canals more hospitable to increase their populations.

IHI Construction Service Co., Ltd., has a plant in the Echi River basin, and undertakes bridge, disaster prevention, and watergate projects. Some time back, it delivered a system to centrally manage the distribution of irrigation water from Echi River. That connection prompted Professor Kentaro Taki from the School of Environmental Science Department of Environmental Policy and Planning in the Faculty of Environmental Science at the University of Shiga Prefecture to contact that subsidiary, drawing on his expertise in assessing prefectural flood control risks to collaborate in addressing issues relating to the Echi River.

IHI teamed up with Professor Taki and the Higashi-omi municipal government in 2022 to conserve the canals. This effort has involved 18 people to date, mostly from the IHI Group. They have surveyed waterways, monitored fish populations, and undertaken ongoing cleanups. The Group held workshops with local residents, fishermen, land improvement district members, and government officials to discuss findings and explore ways to restore the Echi River ecosystem, compiling suggestions and identifying improvements.

In November 2023, the IHI Group organized an ecosystem restoration field training session in Higashi-omi City. The event attracted 35 participants, including nature restoration experts and diverse local stakeholders. Participants engaged in hands-on exercises and discussions on various restoration approaches. They gained valuable insights into specific measures for enhancing the ecosystem and shared these measures with local residents. This endeavor helped clarify the focus for future activities.

The IHI Group will keep striving to restore the Echi River ecosystem as part of its biodiversity conservation efforts.

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