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Occupational Health and Safety (OH & S) Policy

Occupational Health and Safety (OH & S) Policy

Basic Policy

IHI Aerospace Co., Ltd. seeks to establish a corporate culture that puts safety first while putting into practice the company’s core principles: Namely, to help realize the dreams of humanity and social development through rocket-related technologies, based on a respect for originality, innovation, and harmonious ties to society.
Based on this perspective, the company has introduced an OH & S management system to instill in its employees, management staff, and all concerned an awareness of obligations in the area of health and safety activities. The company is committed to eliminating workplace hazards and maintaining and improving mental and physical health in all stages of its operations on an ongoing basis.

Action Guidelines

IHI Aerospace has established the following action guidelines to put its basic policies into practice, based on its five fundamental safety rules.

  1. Specify OH & S targets to achieve this policy; establish and implement action schedules.
  2. Strive to reduce risks and to identify factors that lead to hazards by applying OH & S risk assessment activities to all business activities.
  3. Establish and adhere to voluntary guidelines to ensure compliance with OH & S regulations and customer agreements.
  4. Improve health and safety awareness through health and safety training and in-house information activities.
  5. Periodically review the OH & S management system to ensure constant improvements.
  6. Pay particular attention to the following points, based on the specific characteristics of IHI Aerospace’s operations.
    • (1) Prevent accidents and disasters involving the handling of explosives and pressurized gas.
    • (2) Prevent falls or accidents caused by hazardous operations.
    • (3) Prevent accidents and disasters involving the handling of hazardous substances and chemicals.
    • (4) Provide inexperienced employees with safety training and comprehensive instruction in work procedures.
    • (5) Institute improvements to create a safe, comfortable workplace.
    • (6) Eliminate accidents in commutes to and from the workplace.

OHSAS18001 certification

IHI Aerospace acquired OHSAS18001 certification on March 12, 2010

Issued: August 7, 2009

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