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Conservation of the Global Environment



In conducting business operations, the IHI Group emphasizes compliance with environmental laws and regulations, as well as the prevention of environmental accidents, as the top priority for environmental activities at Group sites. The Group also considers the reduction of the environmental impact associated with its business operations to be an important issue, and has set it as one of the environmental targets for the Group sites.


The IHI Group deliberates and decides on the approach and important matters of environmental conservation through the Environment Committee, a Group-wide body chaired by the Officer in charge of Group ESG. Each office, plant, and business establishment has set up an environment committee to draft policies tailored to the needs of each region based on Group-wide policy.

Management of Impacts Related to Wastewater

The IHI Group manages wastewater discharged from offices, plants, and other business establishment in conformity with national effluent standards as well as local rules and legislation in the areas where the wastewater is discharged.
Each office, plant, and business establishment selects a discharge destination and checks the wastewater standard value according to the location conditions and the state of social infrastructure development. In addition, in order to ensure compliance with wastewater standards, the Group has established independent management standards and monitor wastewater on a daily basis.

Targets and Results

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

The IHI Group properly investigates any environmental accident that occurs on a Group site and evaluates the severity and underlying factors to reduce environmental accidents and legal violations as well as to prevent recurrence.
In fiscal 2022, the IHI Group had no major environmental accidents or legal violations affecting management.

Targets and Results of Major Laws/Regulations Violations and Environmental Accidents

(Unit: Incidents, Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Action Plan Target FY2021
Reduce the environmental impact in plants, offices, etc. No major violations of environmental laws/regulations and environmental accidents 0 0

Targets of Major Laws/Regulations Violations and Environmental Accident (FY2023–2025)

Action Plan Target
Conservation of the global environment No major violations of environmental laws/regulations and environmental accidents

Number of Environmental Accidents and Violations of Law

(Unit: Incidents, Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Significant environmental accidents 0 0 0 0
Major violation of environmental laws/regulations 0 0 0 0
No. of cases in which IHI paid fines, penalties, etc. 0 0 0 0

Ozone Depleting Substances Emissions

(Unit: t-CO2e, Scope: IHI and affiliated companies in Japan)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
HFCs 469

Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions

(Unit: Tons)

Item FY2022 Scope of Data
Toluene 48 IHI Group sites that have submitted notification in accordance with the PRTR system by end of June 2023
Xylene 59
Ethylbenzene 37
Tetrachloroethylene 2

Ratio of Treated Toxic Waste (Waste Containing PCBs)

(Unit: %, Scope: IHI and affiliated companies in Japan)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Ratio of treated toxic waste (waste containing PCBs) Electrical equipment containing high-concentration PCBs 99.7 99.9 100
Electrical equipment containing low-concentration PCBs 98.1 94.0 97.5
Fluorescent lamps 44.5 58.8 69.5

Chemical Substance Emissions/Substances Transferred

(Unit: Tons, Scope: IHI and affiliated companies in Japan)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Chemical substances Emissions
(atmosphere, public bodies of water, soil)
Transferred amount


The IHI Group emphasizes cooperation with the local communities in each region where IHI has business operations to advance environmental conservation activities according to each area’s unique needs. These efforts include agreements to prevent pollution with local government agencies and residents.

Water Pollution Prevention

The IHI Group monitors the quality of water discharged from offices, plants, and other business establishments. By defining and managing water discharge according to independent standards which are stricter than wastewater standards for each wastewater destination, the Group ensures the protection of water quality of public waters from oceans to rivers where this water is discharged.
Specifically, it carries out regular voluntary water sampling and analysis, daily patrol inspections of discharge outlets, maintenance of wastewater treatment facilities, and planned renewal of aging equipment and meters.
The IHI Group also prioritizes measures to prevent leaks from unseen underground pipes as a key issue. The Group’s other initiatives include measuring the amount of water in specific areas, systematic replacement of underground pipes, and creating underground piping blueprints.

Soil Contamination Prevention

The IHI Group identified specific areas at offices, plants, and other business establishments that use hazardous substances and other chemicals. The Group strives to prevent leaks of chemical substances by establishing operational procedures and periodic patrols.
The Group manages 68 old plant sites and production plants with a database that compiles survey results for the usage history of specific harmful substances* and oils. This survey data is used as a starting point for preliminary investigations when restructuring land that will become a production plant.

Harmful chemical substances refer to lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, and other substances listed in Article 2 of the Japan Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act.

Chemical Resources

In order to prevent contamination due to leaks of oil, chemicals, etc. used in our offices, plants, and other business establishments, the IHI Group maintains Safety Data Sheets (SDS), fully grasps hazard information, and optimally manages chemical substances according to their properties.
Regarding chemical substances subject to the Law concerning Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR Law), the Group identifies and manages the amount of emissions into the air, public waters, and soil, and the amount discharged to sewers and waste and provides proper notifications in accordance with laws and regulations.
The Group is also suppressing emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere in accordance with the Voluntary Action Plan for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society by the Japan Society of Industrial Machinery Manufacturers.

Toxic Waste (Waste Containing PCB)

The IHI Group is furthering its response to properly dispose of hazardous polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) waste by organizing a specialized team led by the head office.
As of March 31, 2023, the Group has successfully disposed of 100% of electrical equipment containing high-concentration PCBs and 97.5% of electrical equipment containing low-concentration PCBs. For fluorescent lamp, 69.5% processing has been completed.


IHI believes that it is important to enable sustainable use of natural resources while conducting business. The Group is fully aware of the impact of its business on natural resources and is working to establish a circular economy, conserve the global environment, and take measures against climate change, which has a major effect on biodiversity.

Examples of Biodiversity Conservation Initiatives

Business/Process Initiatives
Raw material procurement
  • Incorporating biodiversity conservation into the IHI Group Code of Conduct for Business Partners
  • Energy conservation activities, making use of low-carbon energy
  • Reducing water consumption by monitoring water intake
  • Wastewater management based on environmental laws and regulations
  • Improving loading efficiency and promoting modal shift through the active use of ships
  • Product sales that contribute to achieving carbon neutrality
  • Development of life-cycle businesses leading to energy and resource conservation as well as product longevity
Land usage and development
  • Using the ESG Checklist to screen investment projects pertaining to land use and development
Land management
  • Monitoring and the conservation of biodiversity of holdings and in surrounding areas
Research & Development/Innovation
  • Shortening development periods by the introduction of model-based development
  • Focusing on technological development in the clean energy field
  • Allocating funds raised through transitional bonds

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