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The IHI Group has established its Management Philosophy “Contribute to the development of society through technology” and “Human resources are our single most valuable asset,” as well as its Group Human Talent Strategy, which aims to realize the medium-term management plan. To achieve the aforementioned, the Group has established the IHI Group Human Resource Management Policy to enable employees of IHI Group companies to make full use of their abilities based on a set of values they all share.
In fiscal 2024 the IHI Group has revised the contents of this policy and further clarifying the human resource management ideologies that should be shared amongst the Group and along with redefining these values shared amongst its employees, the Group is working on specific measures toward developing human resource management structures, improving work environment, and transforming its corporate culture.


IHI Group Human Resource Management Policy

To realize our management philosophies (“Contribute to the development of society through technology” and “Human resources are our single most valuable asset”) and the IHI Group’s medium-term management plan, we have established a “Group Human Talent Strategy” and are implementing various HR management measures.
We are committed to creating systems and environments, and promoting cultural reform, that allow all employees of IHI Group companies to maximize their abilities under a common set of values.

As part of our overall policy, we outline the future vision for our organization and human capital in our “Group Human Talent Strategy”. To achieve this, we have defined the “Ideal Behavior & Action and Ideal Human Resources” as shared values that all employees should embody, and we are working to promote their adoption across the organization.


Group Human Talent Strategy 2023

In May 2023, the IHI Group announced the Group Human Talent Strategy 2023 in connection with the Group Management Policies 2023.
To accomplish this management policy, the Group Human Talent Strategy 2023 has outlined the Group’s future vision to become a “Good + Strong” company as well as one realizing “Growth + Happiness” for all individuals. Moreover, the Group is reforming its evaluation system and accordingly cultivating a corporate culture that can assess the challenges of creating change, drawing on four ideals of “new leadership,” “the agility for rapid self-transformation,” “employee success/happiness,” and “new partnerships” to embody the specific vision of the organization and human resources capable of realizing it.
During the second year of the Group Management Policies in fiscal 2024, the Group will hold workshops to facilitate understanding and familiarization with the actions necessary to utilize these measures, which will be implemented for all of its employees, including those overseas.

Group Human Talent Strategy 2023: Looking Toward the Future

Ideal Behavior & Action and Ideal Human Resources

In order to realize their vision set forth in the Group Management Policies 2023 and Group Human Talent Strategy 2023, in fiscal 2024, the IHI Group defined the “Ideal Behavior & Action” and “Ideal Human Resources” for all of its Group employees. “Ideal Behavior & Action” expresses the following four standards of behavior necessary to foster an organizational culture that embraces the challenges of change: 1) Set a Goal, 2) Tackle Issues, 3) Cross Boundaries, and 4) Implementation. In addition to the above, the Group has added three other crucial skills and mindsets for both present and future employees: 5) a High Level of Expertise, 6) Dedication to Customers and Society, and 7) Ethics and Compliance Awareness. These combine to create a total of seven items that define “Ideal Human Resources.”
Among them, the four standards of “Ideal Behavior & Action” outline what is necessary for realizing change and, through workshops aimed to spread understanding at each worksite, the Group promotes the adoption and application of said values. By linking these initiatives with evaluations, training, and compensation systems, as well as through daily management, the Group encourages each employee to take action toward creating change.


In order to maintain the IHI Group’s business foundation and lead it to future growth, it is imperative for us to acquire, retain, and develop the human resources necessary for conducting its business.
Should the Group finds itself unable to acquire external human resources or secure human resources capable of becoming key personnel or secure proper placement for them, the Group’s future growth, business results, and financial condition could face an adverse impact.


Through the management philosophy “Contribute to the development of society through technology” and the sustainability goal “Create a world where nature and technology work in unity,” each of IHI Group’s employees become more aware of the Group’s mission and the importance of their own role in society, creating behavior that makes external networks function effectively and leads to improvement in the Group’s social and corporate value.


In order to achieve the goal of “business transformation to realize sustained high growth,” outlined in the Group Management Policies 2023, the IHI Group reported on human resource issues that must be addressed and the direction of initiatives under Group Human Talent Strategy 2023 at the Board of Directors meeting held July 24, 2023.
In addition to this, the Group also holds a Human Resource Committee where management can discuss human resource management from a business perspective as well as HRBP meetings where human resource managers exchange views on management measures developed by the Human Resources Division.

Human Resource Management Council Bodies

Names Human Resource Committee HRBP Council
Aims Discussing human resource management from a business perspective Communicating and exchanging views on human resource management measures developed by the head office’s Human Resources Division
Officers Officer in charge of Group Human Resources General Manager of Human Resources Division
Members Representative Director, General Manager of Human Resources Division General Manager of Human Resources Division, Human Resources Division Group Manager, IHI Academy Manager, and human resource manager of each business area
Frequency of meetings convened in FY2023 As needed Monthly

Risk Management

Employee-awareness Surveys

The IHI Group conducts employee-awareness surveys targeting employees in Japan and overseas once a year to grasp the status of the employee engagement.
During fiscal 2023 employee engagement rose to 54 points, an increase of 1 point from the previous year for the first time since surveying began in 2019. (Improved “strategy comprehension” and “management trust”) Additionally, at each business unit and affiliated company, the Group is implementing actions to improve engagement in line with the needs at each of its divisions. By linking this with the existing business management systems (through linking the timing of the business planning with engagement survey feedback/action under consideration), the Group is in the process of developing of follow up actions for highly effective engagement.

Metrics and Targets

Employee-awareness Surveys

(Scope: IHI and affiliated companies)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employee engagement 56 54 53 54
Ratio of answered employee-awareness surveys 88% 88% 84% 83%

Number of Employees

Number of Group Employees

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Consolidated number of employees 29,149 28,801 28,486 28,237
Number of IHI employees 7,796 7,779 7,768 7,840


6,766 6,727 6,695 6,753


1,030 1,052 1,073 1,087

Ratio of female employees

13.2% 13.5% 13.8% 13.9%

Number of Employees by Region

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Japan 21,778 21,390 21,266 21,187
Asia Pacific 4,132 4,053 3,902 3,912
Americas 1,122 1,291 1,406 1,443
Europe, Middle East, and Africa 2,117 2,067 1,912 1,695

Number of Employees by Business Area

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Resources, Energy & Environment 6,595 6,514 6,626 6,434
Social Infrastructure 2,469 2,443 2,344 2,396
Industrial Systems & General-Purpose Machinery 10,028 9,797 9,645 9,574
Aero Engine, Space & Defense 6,765 7,062 7,010 7,111
Others 2,320 1,945 1,802 1,624
Entire company (common) 972 1,040 1,059 1,098

Number of Employees by Age (Male/Female)

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Under 30 1,520 1,401 1,452 1,137


1,261 978


191 159
30 to 39 2,313 2,327 2,341 2,405


2,035 2,101


306 304
40 to 49 2,078 2,086 2,090 2,014


1,745 1,720


345 294
50 to 59 1,575 1,687 1,664 1,912


1,445 1,610


219 302
60 and over 310 278 221 372


209 344


12 28

Number and Ratio of Employees from Abroad*

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of employees 82 74 66 59
Ratio of employees from abroad 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 0.8%

As of April 1 each year.

Number of Employees by Employment Status

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Regular employment

Regular employees

7,447 7,400 7,358 7,416


6,456 6,397 6,339 6,381


991 1,003 1,019 1,035

Ratio of female employees

13.3% 13.6% 13.8% 14.0%

Second by other companies

256 270 283 286


218 222 232 238


38 48 51 48

Ratio of female employees

14.8% 17.8% 18.0% 16.8%
Non-regular employment


93 109 127 138


92 108 124 134


1 1 3 4

Ratio of female employees

1.1% 0.9% 2.4% 2.9%

Advisors and contract employees

107 102 117 129


102 97 109 120


5 5 8 9

Ratio of female employees

4.7% 4.9% 6.8% 7.0%

Part-time employees

476 453 436 453


85 81 77 73


391 372 359 380

Ratio of female employees

82.1% 82.1% 82.3% 83.9%

Fixed-term employees

81 35 15 31


64 24 9 18


17 11 6 13

Ratio of female employees

21.0% 31.4% 40.0% 41.9%

Number of Temporary Employees

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Temporary employees 956 986 998 823

With consideration toward handling gender information regarding temporary employees, the IHI Group decided to refrain from disclosing employee numbers by gender from FY2023.

Average Years of Service*

(Unit: Year, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
All employees 15.1 16.1 16.5 16.6
Male 15.3 16.2 16.6 16.7
Female 14.2 15.4 15.8 16.0

Due to a revision in the scope of calculation, the average years of service for FY2021 and FY2022 have been revised.


Turnover Rate

(Scope: IHI)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total turnover rate 2.9% 3.1% 2.7% 2.8%
Rate of resignation due to personal reasons 1.1% 1.6% 1.5% 1.5%
Rate of resignation due to personal reasons by age

Under 30

3.1% 3.9% 3.7% 3.0%

30 to 39

1.2% 2.5% 1.9% 0.6%

40 to 49

0.3% 0.5% 0.5% 1.0%

50 to 59

2.2% 2.4% 0.1% 0.2%

60 and over

34.8% 37.6% 26.4% 14.5%
Turnover rate within 3 years of joining the Company 4.3% 3.4% 5.5% 5.3%

Turnover During 1 Year (Total Persons, Male/Female)

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total turnover 224 248 203 208


207 232 175 182


17 16 28 26

Employees Union Membership Rate

(Scope: IHI and affiliated companies in Japan)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Employees union membership rate 58% 59% 60% 62%


Number of Labor Complaints Received

(Unit: Reports, Owner: IHI)

Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of labor complaints received 0 0 0 0


Education/Awareness Building

In order to achieve the Group Human Talent Strategy 2023, the IHI Group is focusing on reforming its evaluation and treatment of human resources and corporate culture, which form the basis of its human resource strategies and measures.

Standardization of the Human Resource Management Policy for All Employees

The IHI Group is using its education program for new employees and various other education and training opportunities to build awareness for the Human Resource Management Policy among all Group employees in Japan and overseas.
Specifically, the Group has been holding workshops and other events that ensure each and every Group employee, including those overseas, understands and takes personal action to be an Ideal Human Resource and engage in Ideal Behavior & Action.

Fair and Equal Treatment

In order to establish fair and appropriate treatment, the IHI Group is working to raise wages through sincere dialogues between labor and management.
Furthermore, under a principle of equal pay for equal work based on the Part-time/Fixed-term Employment Act, the Group appropriately handles personnel according to the range of their duties and responsibilities and has established a personnel system to avoid unreasonable disparities. Additionally, the Group has made it a principle to, at minimum, set wages in accordance with the minimum age in each country.

Conversion of Fixed-term Employees into Regular Employees

IHI has put in place a system to convert fixed-term workers into regular employees. This program lays a path for fixed-term employees who satisfy certain criteria to request a regular position.

Employee Benefits Programs

The IHI Group’s employee benefits programs provide a variety of options that employees can choose from as a way of supporting their needs, including support for balancing work and childcare, nursing care, and medical care, as well as education, recreation, and other options.

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