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At the IHI Group, we recruit and train human resources as our most vital management resource. Our management philosophy ensures that we contribute to the development of society through technology and states that human resources are our single most valuable asset.
We strive to realize a healthy, safe, work-friendly environment where everyone respects one another and prospers.

Group Human Resource Strategy 2023

In May 2023, we announced the Group Human Resource Strategy 2023 in connection with the Group Management Policies 2023.
To accomplish this management policy, the Group Human Resource Strategy 2023 has outlined the Group’s future vision to become a “Good + Strong” company as well as one realizing “Growth + Happiness” for all individuals. We are reforming our evaluation system and accordingly cultivating a corporate culture that can assess the challenges of creating change, drawing on four ideals of “new leadership,” “ability for rapid self-transformation,” “employee success/happiness,” and “new partnerships” to achieve this.
From fiscal 2023 we have begun holding workshops for all Group employees in order to spread the goals of both the Group Management Policies 2023 and the Group Human Resource Strategy 2023.

Group Human Resource Strategy 2023: Looking Toward the Future

Education/Awareness Building

Global Standardization of the Human Resource Management Policy

We are using our education program for new employees and various other education and training opportunities to build awareness for the Human Resource Management Policy among all Group employees in Japan and overseas. More specifically, we have created a video in which employees from around the world discuss ideal human resource attributes during an online meeting. This video is widely used for educational purposes and recruitment activities.

Excerpts from the "Human Resource Management Policy"


Number of Employees

Number of Group Employees

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Consolidated number of employees 28,964 29,149 28,801 28,486
Number of IHI employees 7,741 7,796 7,779 7,768


6,730 6,766 6,727 6,695


1,011 1,030 1,052 1,073

Ratio of female employees

13.1% 13.2% 13.5% 13.8%

Number of Employees by Region

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Japan 21,700 21,778 21,390 21,266
Asia Pacific 4,141 4,132 4,053 3,902
Americas 1,292 1,122 1,291 1,406
Europe, Middle East, and Africa 1,831 2,117 2,067 1,912

Number of Employees by Business Area

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Resources, Energy & Environment 6,812 6,595 6,514 6,626
Social Infrastructure & Offshore Facilities 2,399 2,469 2,443 2,344
Industrial Systems & General-Purpose Machinery 10,079 10,028 9,797 9,645
Aero Engine, Space & Defense 6,684 6,765 7,062 7,010
Others 2,014 2,320 1,945 1,802
Entire company (common) 976 972 1,040 1,059

Number of Employees by Age (Male/Female)

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Under 30 1,612 1,520 1,401 1,452




30 to 39 2,198 2,313 2,327 2,341




40 to 49 2,119 2,078 2,086 2,090




50 to 59 1,462 1,575 1,687 1,664




60 and over 350 310 278 221





Number and Ratio of Employees from Abroad*

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees 81 82 74 66
Ratio of employees from abroad 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8%

As of April 1 each year.

Number of Employees by Employment Status

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Regular employees 7,410 7,447 7,400 7,358


6,438 6,456 6,397 6,339


972 991 1,003 1,019

Ratio of female employees

13.1% 13.3% 13.6% 13.8%
Re-hires 88 93 109 127


88 92 108 124


0 1 1 3

Ratio of female employees

0.0% 1.1% 0.9% 2.4%
Second by other companies 243 256 270 283


204 218 222 232


39 38 48 51

Ratio of female employees

16.0% 14.8% 17.8% 18.0%
Advisors and contract employees 91 107 102 117


86 102 97 109


5 5 5 8

Ratio of female employees

5.5% 4.7% 4.9% 6.8%
Part-time employees 496 476 453 436


90 85 81 77


406 391 372 359

Ratio of female employees

81.9% 82.1% 82.1% 82.3%
Fixed-term employees 101 81 35 15


85 64 24 9


16 17 11 6

Ratio of female employees

15.8% 21.0% 31.4% 40.0%
Temporary employees 1,330 956 986 998


1,046 753 788 780


284 203 198 218

Ratio of female employees

21.4% 21.2% 20.1% 21.8%

Average Years of Service

(Unit: Year, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
All employees 15.8 15.1 16.3 16.7
Male 16.0 15.3 16.5 16.9
Female 14.5 14.2 15.5 15.8


Turnover Rate

(Scope: IHI)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total turnover rate 3.5% 2.9% 3.1% 2.7%
Rate of resignation due to personal reasons 2.0% 1.1% 1.6% 1.5%
Rate of resignation due to personal reasons by age

Under 30

4.9% 3.1% 3.9% 3.7%

30 to 39

2.3% 1.2% 2.5% 1.9%

40 to 49

0.8% 0.3% 0.5% 0.5%

50 to 59

2.3% 2.2% 2.4% 0.1%

60 and over

26.0% 34.8% 37.6% 26.4%
Turnover rate within 3 years of joining the company 6.8% 4.3% 3.4% 5.5%

Turnover During 1 Year (Total Persons, Male/Female)

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total turnover 271 224 248 203


232 207 232 175


39 17 16 28

Employees Union Membership Rate

(Scope: IHI and affiliated companies in Japan)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Employees union membership rate 58% 58% 59% 60%


Number of Labor Complaints Received

(Unit: Reports, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of labor complaints received 0 0 0 0

To quickly and fairly respond to labor complaints from employees, IHI established a committee in accordance with labor agreements.

Ratio of Answered Employee-awareness Surveys

(Scope: IHI and affiliated companies)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Ratio of answered employee-awareness surveys 91.4% 88.0% 88.0% 84.0%


In order to achieve the Group Human Resource Strategy 2023, the IHI Group is focusing on reforming its evaluation and treatment of human resources and corporate culture, which form the basis of its human resource strategies and measures.

Revisions to the Human Resource Compensation and Benefits Policy

We have created uniform IHI Group conduct standards and evaluation items, including encouragement for enterprising efforts and prompt customer service, and are implementing them globally. Along with this, we are revising these again to link evaluations with employee training and treatment. This is because in order to achieve our transformation, we need to mobilize diverse individuals, teams, and organizations to take real action.
Specifically, we have constrained the conventional evaluation elements based on ability and introduced human resource compensation and benefits based on position and role that incorporates market value. We are including value criteria that focus on ESG and well-being into evaluation items in stages, starting with remuneration for Officers.

Fair and Equal Treatment

Aiming to be both a “Good + Strong” company and realize “Growth + Happiness” for all individuals, the IHI Group strives for fair and equal treatment of its employees based on a human resource strategy which focuses on encouraging employees to make efforts toward transformation.
A compensation and benefits system that complies with amended legislation is also applied to irregular employees. In addition, we implement various initiatives to increase their motivation, including providing necessary educational opportunities and special time off based on standards for regular employees as well as a program for converting to regular employment.

Employee Benefits Programs

Our employee benefits programs provide a variety of options that employees can choose from as a way of supporting their needs, including basic benefits such as residential and financial support and support for balancing work and childcare, nursing care, and medical care, as well as education, recreation, and other options.

Employee-awareness Surveys

The IHI Group conducts employee-awareness surveys targeting employees in Japan and overseas once a year to grasp the status of the employee engagement. We use this survey to visualize the state of the organization and clarify our strengths and challenges, and then conduct analyses. Together with the new Group Management Policies 2023 and the Group Human Resource Strategy 2023 established this fiscal year, we will plan and execute the necessary measures to improve employee engagement by deploying the PDCA cycle.

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