Study Results in Demonstration Operation of Oxyfuel Combustion Boiler for CO2 Capture

Study Results in Demonstration Operation of Oxyfuel Combustion Boiler for CO2 Capture
- YAMADA Toshihiko, ISHII Toru, TAKAFUJI Makoto, ISO Yoshiyuki
The oxyfuel combustion boiler for CO2 capture is one of candidates as a CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) system for the coal-fired boilers for electric power generation plants. Research and development activities and demonstration in this area have been conducted worldwide. IHI has participated in the Callide Oxyfuel Project in Australia and conducted various activities towards demonstration operation of the boiler plant. This report describes the study results, the prediction of combustion characteristics, and the stable and safe operation. These results will be applied to the demonstration plant and the design of the next commercial oxyfuel combustion boiler.