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Human Resource Development


We place cultivating ideal human resource attributes as the pillar of human resource development and create educational programs, educational curriculum, and training plans for individuals in workplaces, including on-the-job training.
In addition to the human resource development measures taken to date, we are implementing the following three priority measures in fiscal 2023 based on our Group Human Resource Strategy 2023.

  • Management of atypical human resources and training to recruit and retain transformational human resources and bring in expertise internally.
  • Encouragement of independent career development and establishment of a reskilling program to achieve a bold and lasting resource shift.
  • Establishment of a human resource development scheme built around new uniform evaluation and conduct standards to reform evaluation and conduct standards and our organizational culture.

Overall Image of Human Resource Development


Number of Employees Undergoing Regular Career Development Reviews (By Male/Female)

(Scope: IHI and affiliated companies in Japan)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total 15,327





Education Results

Participants in Main Training Courses and Number of Training Hours, Training Hours per Employee

(Scope: IHI and affiliated companies in Japan)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Management Development Participants (total) 94 134 132 118
Training hours 7,683 11,550 13,992 10,525
Professional Development Participants (total) 129 227 275 249
Training hours 4,037 6,988 8,443 7,615
Stratified Training Participants 3,276 1,882 672 795
Training hours 106,208 34,672 24,028 25,960
Selective Training Courses Participants (total) 3,343 1,948 17,430 37,057
Training hours 25,073 16,358 49,648 88,822
Company-designated Courses Participants (total) 253,716 282,415
Training hours 188,927 170,164
Average Annual Training Hours per Employee Training hours 19.8 13.3 12.1 14.3
  1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we refrained from conducting any programs during the first half of fiscal 2020, and as a result of only making them available during the latter half, the number of participants declined compared to the previous fiscal years.
  2. Due to reforms to the Group Human Resource Development Program in fiscal 2021, the number of participants and hours of each training course fluctuated compared to past years.
  3. Stratified training in fiscal 2022 includes training conducted for new employee supporters (former instructors).
  4. New management development and professional development programs were added in fiscal 2022. These programs are not included in the average annual training hours per employee for fiscal 2019 to 2021.

Training Expense per Employee

(Scope: IHI and affiliated companies in Japan)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Total 23,512 JPY

Employees Certified as Master Artisans

(Unit: People, Scope: IHI)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Number of employees certified 41 39 41 41


8 8 12 12


11 13 13 10


4 3 2 1


7 6 4 9


4 3 3 3


7 6 7 6
  • The Takumi (Master Artisans) Certification Program was renamed to the Master Artisans Program in fiscal 2019 to certify a larger number of candidates.


IHI Academy

We launched the IHI Academy in April 2023. Here, we provide training and skills enhancement for Senior Managers and specialist human resources that are active globally and lead IHI Group transformation. In addition to standard recommendations coming from divisions, IHI Academy also accepts applications from ambitious human resources to expand opportunities for participation. We are also augmenting the training program with a focus on real-world implementation.

Human Resource Development Program

We are building educational programs to support each employee to shape their career, accelerate their growth, and foster ongoing learning. At the core of our educational programs are the Career Development Support Program and Voluntary/Independent Selective Training. Through these programs, we will create conditions that foster ongoing independent learning and support employees to expand the possibilities for playing an active role at work.

Initiatives to Develop Diverse Human Resources

We have developed shared Group educational programs that enable the growth and active participation of diverse human resources, from training programs that develop human resources into globally active Senior Managers and specialists leading our transformation to new employee training (new graduates/mid-career recruits) and stratified trainings for new key and managerial employees as well as assistant foremen.
In our global human resource development programs, employees strategically build up experience at overseas production plants and in major projects as well as take courses to acquire global communication skills and gain cross-cultural competency before taking a post overseas.

Human Resource Development Program

(As of April 24, 2023)

Voluntary/Independent Selective Training

We have been building Voluntary/Independent Selective Training programs since fiscal 2021 as a framework for employees to choose and learn various subjects anytime, anywhere according to their career plan.
This training system provides around 400 different inhouse technical, business, communication skill, and mental fitness courses designed to help employees consider and take the initiative to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their career plan.


We are expanding training programs for reskilling to proactively have employees acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to changes in the business environment and technological innovation.
As human resources are increasingly being shifted and optimally assigned to positions, we offer support programs to enable employees whose work duties have changed to quickly play an active role.

Passing Down Skills to Others

IHI strives to pass down welding, machining, and other core skills at each plant, which are the foundation of our manufacturing expertise. Many of our employees are experts in each of these fields. IHI has introduced a master artisan program to encourage employees certified as master artisans to pass on their skills to new up-and-comers.

IHI Human Resources Development & Communication Center

The I-STEP Shonan IHI Human Resources Development & Communication Center (Yokosuka City, Kanagawa) holds training and various meetings for Group employees from around the world.
The Center is a base that promotes active communication and learning and where IHI Group colleagues from each corner of the globe can come together to share our corporate philosophy and values.

Career Challenge Program

We launched the Career Challenge Program (open application system within the IHI Group) in fiscal 2019 to realize optimized placement of human resources by encouraging bidirectional human resource transfers across division and corporate boundaries within the Group. As of the end of fiscal 2022, a total of 204 employees have taken advantage of this program and been matched with positions. This program helps employees to independently shape their career and helps provide opportunities for skills development.

Career Development Program (CDP)

We introduced the shared Group-wide Career Development Program (CDP) in fiscal 2019, which provides career development tailored to individual employees. Meetings with a supervisor based on the individual employee’s career plan (future design) are held to discuss what challenges and training the employee needs to undertake to achieve their career plan.
Through this initiative, we are supporting each employee to independently think about their career plan as well as supporting their growth through work and educational opportunities and ongoing learning.

Career Development Support Program

We have established the Career Development Support Program as an initiative to support career design and create workplaces where everyone can actively participate. Based on this program, we hold Career Design Seminars tailored to each career stage. They are intended to enable employees to independently consider and carry out plans for developing their skills and abilities to better advance their careers in the future.
As part of our support for career plan creation, in fiscal 2022 we launched a support desk where employees can consider their own career plan in one-on-one sessions with an in-house career advisor. To date, a total of 52 employees have used the support desk. We have also launched an intra-Group portal site, Build My Career, where we regularly release general information about career development. The purpose of the portal site is to build awareness among employees for independently designing their careers and to facilitate advancing their work careers and life careers.

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