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The IHI Group sees taking measures against climate change as one important management issue and is doing everything possible to accomplish this.
Climate change has an enormous social and economic impact and is a vital social issue for companies to address in order to realize sustainability and one that the IHI Group believes it should focus on.

IHI Carbon-Neutral 2050

The IHI Group aims to be carbon-neutral in its processes overall by reducing the direct and indirect (Scope 1 and 2) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its business activities as well as Scope 3 emissions from the upstream and downstream processes in its value chain.

IHI Carbon-Neutral 2050

Our 2050 goal to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the entire value chain

Goal for fiscal 2030

The IHI Group will cut the amount of its business activity GHG emissions in half by fiscal 2030 (Scope 1 and 2) compared to fiscal 2019.

Participation in Third-party Initiatives


In May 2019, the IHI Group became a signatory to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) by resolution of the Board of Directors. This framework plays a role as a tool to formulate strategies able to strengthen risk management and cultivate business opportunities.

TCFD Initiatives

GX League Basic Concept

In February 2022, the IHI Group endorsed the GX League Basic Concept announced by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, joining it in April 2023.
The GX League is a group of companies that are actively working on Green Transformation (GX), established as a forum for discussion on reforming socioeconomic systems and practices in their entirety for the creation of new markets, together with government, academics, and financial players who are also taking part in the GX challenge.


The IHI Group engages in environmental initiatives that include measures to combat climate change centered on the Environment Committee chaired by the Officer in charge of Group ESG (Director and Managing Executive Officer).
In fiscal 2021 the Group put together a task force comprising cross-divisional members for advocating carbon-neutral initiatives throughout the entire value chain.
From fiscal 2022 this task force is being led by the General Manager of the Corporate Planning Division, with the Administration and Corporate Planning Divisions acting as the secretariat.
In fiscal 2023 the Company established a group in charge of carbon neutrality in its Corporate Planning Division to strengthen this setup. The group reports on its activities to the ESG Management Promotion Committee and other management team meetings to receive guidance and accelerate initiatives.

System for Achieving Carbon Neutrality

Targets and Results

The IHI Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality throughout its entire value chain by 2050.
In fiscal 2023 the Board of Directors set the goal of halving the GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) from our plants, offices, and other business establishments during fiscal 2019 by fiscal 2030.
To date, we have been focusing on Scope 1 and 2 based on the Japanese government’s 46% reduction by 2030 policy (in comparison to fiscal 2013). However, in the IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report during March 2023, it was reported that further reductions in GHG emissions are necessary in order to keep the earth’s temperature rise under 1.5°C. In accordance with this, we newly developed our goals for fiscal 2030. Since the IHI Group’s new mid-term goal is based on fiscal 2019, it is one that surpasses Japanese government policy and recommendations made by the IPCC.
Possessing decarbonization technology, the IHI Group will take the lead in contributing toward the realization of a global carbon-neutral society through its efforts in achieving this goal.

CO2 Emission and Energy Consumption Targets and Results (IHI Group Environmental Action Plan 2019)

(Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Action Plans Targets KPI FY2018 Results
(Base Year)
FY2021 Results


FY2022 Results


Reduce the environmental impact in plants, offices, etc. Reduce CO2 emissions intensity*1 by at least 4% by FY2022 compared to FY2018 CO2 emissions intensity
(t-CO2/100 million JPY)
22.2 18.8 15.3% 15.9 28.2%
Reduce energy consumption intensity*1 by at least 4% by FY2022 compared to FY2018 Energy consumption intensity
(TJ/10 billion JPY)
39.3 20.0 49.1% 17.0 56.9%
  1. Net sales revenue as the denominator.

CO2 Emission and Energy Consumption Targets (FY2023–2025)

Action Plans Targets KPI
Climate change A 6,000t-CO2 reduction in Scope 1 and 2 with capital investment Reduced amount of GHG emissions (t-CO2)
Reduce energy consumption intensity by 3% in FY2025 from that in FY2022 Energy consumption intensity (TJ/10 billion JPY)

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Energy Consumption

(Scope: IHI and consolidated subsidiaries)

Item FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 Presence/Absence of Third-party Verification FY2022 Presence/Absence of Third-party Verification
GHG GHG emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2)*3 (t-CO2e) 254,227 225,066 220,138 215,753


64,724 58,517 64,270 61,469

CO2( t-CO2)


CH4( t-CO2e)

447 ○(Domestic only)


85 ○(Domestic only)


469 ○(Domestic only)


0 ○(Domestic only)


290 ○(Domestic only)


0 ○(Domestic only)

Scope 2 (market-based) (t-CO2)

189,503 166,549 155,868 154,284
GHG emissions intensity*1 (t-CO2e/100 million yen) 18.3 20.2 18.8 15.9
Energy Energy consumption*2, 3 (TJ) 2,468 2,283 2,348 2,294

Fuel consumption (TJ)

1,044 974 1,084 1,019

Electricity consumption (TJ)

1,398 1,276 1,229 1,230

Heat consumption (TJ)

7 5 0

Steam consumption (TJ)

0 0 0 0

Renewable energy used (TJ)

26 26 31 45
Energy consumption intensity*1 (TJ/10 billion yen) 17.8 20.5 20.0 17.0
  1. Sales revenue as the denominator.
  2. Changed the method of calculating energy consumption since fiscal 2019.
  3. The total value for each item is rounded off and may not match the figures in the breakdown.

Third-party Verification of Data


Initiatives to Become Carbon Neutral

In order to reach our 2050 goal to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the entire value chain, we have begun incorporating the following transition plan.

Transition Plan to Become Carbon Neutral

Items Under Our Transition Plan Overview
  • Confirmation regarding our goals, measures, and achievements to realize IHI Carbon-Neutral 2050 at our Board of Directors meeting
  • Implementation of planning, practices, and evaluation at our ESG Management Promotion Committee meeting
Scenario analysis Reflecting scenario analyses for our four major business domains in their strategies
Finance plan Formulating and executing a financial plan for IHI Carbon-Neutral 2050
Value chain engagement and low carbon initiatives Supply chain engagement Conducting supplier engagement, self-assessment questionnaires, and emission surveys
Customer engagement Presenting development stories
Expanding our portfolio of low-carbon products and services Increasing our development, marketing, and sales of decarbonized products
Efforts to reduce emissions in direct operations Incorporation into production and equipment planning by an expert task force
Risks and opportunities Engineering methods to minimize risks and maximize opportunities in response to climate change
  • Achieve carbon neutrality throughout the entire value chain by 2050
  • Compared to FY2019, reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions in half by 2030
Scope 1, 2, and 3
  • Amount of IHI Group’s Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions
  • Scope 1 and 2 emissions are third-party verified

Initiatives to Become Carbon Neutra

Efforts towards decarbonization

Efforts toward disaster prevention and reduction

Environmental Top